About Us

The Alabama Society of Nuclear Medicine is an organization focusing on promoting education and advancement within the Nuclear Medicine field. Radioactive substanaces are used in research, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. The ASNM welcomes you to learn more about the organization.

Our Officers

Jennifer Hill


Amy Brady

President Elect

Victoria Whited Hansen

Past President

Stefani Yates


Brandi Liles


Amy Brady

President Elect

Stefani Yates


Our Constitution

Article I Name:

The name of this organization shall be the Alabama Society of Nuclear Medicine, herein referred to as the ASNM.

Article II Objectives:

To establish and maintain an organization of physicians, technologists, and scientists of high standing with a common interest in the scientific and clinical disciplines concerned with the diagnostic, therapeutic, and investigational use of radionuclides; To foster meetings of the organization for the purpose of communicating and discussing knowledge of nuclear phenomena as they apply to the better understanding and control of disease; To disseminate information concerning Nuclear Medicine by encouraging scientific and professional publications; To strive to better the welfare of all by maintaining and advancing the highest possible standards of education, research, and practice of Nuclear Medicine; To help inform the general public about benefits of the field of Nuclear Medicine.

Article III Structure:

The ASNM shall be a nonprofit, scientific, and educational organization with its own officers, dues, and bylaws; however it is patterned after the constitution bylaws of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the SNM), the Society of Nuclear Medicine-Technologist Section (hereinafter referred to as the SNM-TS), and the Southeastern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine-Technologist Section (hereinafter referred to as the SECSNM-TS). The ASNM is affiliated and represented to the aforementioned organizations by our delegate at the SECSNM annual meeting.

Our By-Laws


Section 1.1 The ASNM shall be an autonomous scientific organization with its own officers, dues, and bylaws.
Section 1.2 Matters of primary concern to the SNM, SNM-TS, and SECSNM-TS shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of each.
Section 1.3 Matters of primary concern to the ASNM shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASNM.
Section 1.4 Matters of concern to the SNM, SNM-TS, SECSNM, SECSNM-TS, and ASNM shall be governed by the appropriate Constitution and Bylaws as determined by the officers and Council of the ASNM.


Section 2.1 The membership of the ASNM shall consist of the following:
(a) Full Members – Must be interested in the use of radionuclides in the resolution of clinical or biological problems, and who has an advanced degree in medical or related basic sciences; or be a Registered or Certified Nuclear Medicine Technologist. Full members must reside in Alabama. All full members will have the right to vote on all issues presented to the membership, may serve on the ASNM Council or as an officer of the ASNM, or any other elected or appointed office. Those members whose primary affiliation is in commercial research, development, or sales, may serve in an appointed capacity only subject to Council approval.
(b) Affiliate Members – Any person who has an active interest in the objectives of the ASNM and who is not qualified for other categories of membership will be admitted to the ASNM as an Affiliate Member. Affiliates pay dues, have no voting privileges, and may not be elected to executive office.
(c) Student Affiliates – Student Affiliates are persons enrolled in an accredited Nuclear Medicine Technology Program in the state of Alabama and certified as students by the director of the program of that institution. Members of this category will pay no dues, pay no registration fees to any educational seminars held by the ASNM, have no vote, and may not be elected to office. These members may hold appointive office only.
Section 2.2 Membership will be renewed annually upon payment of dues.


Section 3.1 The elected officers of the ASNM shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The elected offices are voted on by full members via mail or at the annual meeting of the ASNM.
Section 3.2 The term of an elected office, excluding the treasurer, is defined as the period between the installation of an officer at one annual business meeting and the election and installation of a newly elected officer at the next annual meeting. The elective office of the Treasurer is a two-year term.
Section 3.3 The President shall preside at all ASNM and Council meetings. The president should appoint associate treasurers, associate secretaries, historians, and other persons necessary to conduct business. The President will represent the ASNM at the Southeastern Chapter (SECSNM) Meeting, unless he/she designates a State Delegate.
Section 3.4 The President-Elect shall familiarize herself/himself with all the activities of the ASNM and shall make preparations necessary for her/his elevation to the office of the President. In the absence of the President, he/he shall assume the duties of the President. The President-Elect shall succeed to the Presidency at the next annual meeting, except for just and proper cause as determined by the Council.
Section 3.5 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all business and Council Meetings, preserve the records, compile the membership rosters and notify the membership of meetings. She/he shall send out ballots for any question submitted to the membership by mail. The term of the Secretary shall be two (2) years.
Section 3.6 The Treasurer shall keep and preserve the records, maintain the ASNM PO Box, notify the membership of dues, obligations, and receive and dispense funds. All records must be presented at distributed at the annual meeting.
Section 3.7 The President of the ASNM or his/her designated State Delegate will act as the representative of the technologists for the ASNM to the SECSNM-TS as a State Delegate. (a) The State Delegate must be a member of the SNM. If the State Delegate is not a member of the SNM, then the ASNM will pay for that year’s annual dues for the State Delegate that he/she is to represent the ASNM at the SECSNM-TS meeting. (b) The ASNM will reimburse the State Delegate, upon documentation, up to $500.00 for expenses incurred in attending the SECSNM-TS meeting. (c) The duties of the State Delegate to the SECSNM-TS shall include, but not be limited to the following: (1) Assist the SECSNM-TS Membership Committee with a membership drive in the state of Alabama (2) Provide the ASNM’s or state’s report to the SECSNM-TS (3) Provide potential members list to the Membership Committee of the SECSNM-TS (4) Serve on the Nominating Committee of the SECSNM-TS as the ASNM representative (5) Provide the SECSNM-TS Council’s Report to the members of the ASNM at their next annual business meeting.


Section 4.1 The Executive Council, herein to referred to as the Council, shall consist of the following, each being a member in good standing of the ASNM: (a) The officers of the ASNM: four (4) – President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary (b) The five (5) most recent past Presidents of the ASNM
Section 4.2 The Council shall have charge of the business affairs and the property of the ASNM and shall make such rules and regulations as it shall deem necessary for the management and well-being of the ASNM. Matters dealing with routine operation of the ASNM and not specifically controlled by these bylaws shall be functions of the Council. The Council may appoint an Executive Secretary to conduct business as the Council shall entrust to her/his management. The Council shall also establish the annual dues. Actions of the Council shall be reported to the membership by the President.
Section 4.3 The Council shall meet at least twice annually to transact the business of the ASNM. One meeting shall be held at least ninety (90) days before the annual meeting, another shall be held during the period of the annual meeting.
Section 4.4 A quorum shall consist of five (5) members of the ASNM Council.


Section 5.1 The standing committees shall be:
(a) Membership Committee – Chairman shall be the President-Elect. The Chairman can appoint up to two (2) other members of the ASNM to this committee. The committee shall be responsible for the annual membership drive based on the calendar year.
(b) Education Committee – Chairman shall be the President of the ASNM. The chairman can appoint up to two (2) other members of the ASNM to this committee. The committee will concern itself with all phases of educational activities of the ASNM. The committee shall be responsible for the scientific and educational programs of the ASNM including the annual meeting and securing continuing education credits for the technologists and physicians who attend these meetings.
(c) Nominating Committee – shall consist of the President-Elect and the five (5) most recent past Presidents. The President-Elect will act as chairman. The committee shall prepare a slate of at least two (2) nominees for each elective office. The chairman shall report to the Council at each regularly scheduled Council meeting. If the Council disapproves of actions taken by the Nominating Committee, this disapproval shall be disseminated to the membership, with the ballot, by the Secretary.
(d) Scholarship Committee – shall consist of all the elected officers with President as Chairman. The Committee shall oversee the ASNM Educational Trust Fund which outlines the criteria for the annual ASNM Founders’ Scholarship.
(e) Ad hoc Committee. The President shall appoint ad hoc committees as needed.


Section 9.1 The Council shall have the authority of expulsion or suspension of any member who has committed an act contrary to the established principles of the ASNM.


Section 10.1 All questions of parliamentary procedure will be determined at all meetings of the ASNM, and Council by provisions of these bylaws, and Robert’s Rules of Order (newly revised). In the event of inconsistency in the foregoing, they shall take procedures in the order set forth.


Section 11.1 Any member may propose changes in the ASNM bylaws by submitting such proposals in writing to any officer. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Council of the ASNM and upon their endorsement be sent to the Secretary to be submitted to the membership.
Section 11.2 The Secretary shall submit these proposals to the entire membership by mail at least thirty (30) days before the business meeting. A majority vote of the full membership present at the annual business meeting shall cause the proposed changes to become amendments.


Section 12.1 In the event the ASNM shall ever cease to exist, it is hereby resolved that all property, monies, minutes, and records shall become property of the Southeastern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine or the SNM.


Section 13.1 The ASNM may not obligate the SECSNM, SECSNM-TS, or the SNM in any way, or represent them on matters of scientific or political interest without due authorization.